One of the most important ways to help a child succeed in school is to make sure that he or she attends school regularly and is on time every day. Georgia Law (O.C.G.A 20-2-690.1) requires any person in this state who has control or charge of a child between the ages of six and sixteen to enroll in and send that child to public, private, or homeschool.


In addition to the following procedures, the principal or designee may address students and parent(s)/guardian(s) by phone, mail, or in person, at any time school attendance is a concern. The attendance procedures are based on absences per school year.


1-3 Unexcused/Unlawful Absences  (Teacher contact)


Teachers will make direct contact with parent(s) or guardian(s) of students when they accumulate three unexcused absences. The School will attempt to talk with the student, parent(s), and guardian(s) to inquire about the absence and inform them about the Miller County Schools attendance protocol. This serves as a reminder of the importance of regular school attendance.  Attempts may include but are not limited to; DOJO messages, phone calls, emails, meetings, and attendance letters that are mailed or sent home by the student. This action will be documented.



5-6 Unexcused Absences (Attendance Letter)


Teachers will make a student attendance referral to the School Counselor to monitor student’s attendance. The attendance letter mailed or sent home by the student to parent (s) or guardian (s) to serve as a reminder to the attendance protocol signed at the beginning of the school year. The discussion for additional interventions to include HHB, students Transportation method.



7 Unexcused Absences (Attendance Contract)


A student referral made to the School Counselor for notification to the parent (s) or guardian (s) of all students who have seven or more unexcused absences, requesting a meeting with the School Counselor and administration where the student, parent or guardian will enter into an attendance contract agreement with the school at this time. The attendance contract will discuss the consequences of continued absences.




10 unexcused Absences (Court, Social Services)


The school counselor will submit an attendance referral and supporting documentation to the School Social Worker. The School Social Worker will visit the home and assist in preventing further absences. The School Social Worker will collaborate with the school faculty and or judicial system to develop and implement strategies to work with students and or parent's guardians to prevent further unexcused absences.







 Referral to State/Juvenile Court

A warrant and or juvenile complaint will be issued for violation of the Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law. The parent will be notified by local law enforcement of the date and time to appear in court. A student may be referred to court before reaching 10 unexcused absences if there is a history of truancy or other circumstances that merit an earlier court referral. A referral to the Department of Family and Children Services for suspicion or indications of abuse/neglect or appropriate referrals to other agencies.






  • Handwritten excuses must submitted within 5 days of the student returning to school.
  • Each school will only accept 5 parent/guardian handwritten excuses per school year.

    If there is a doubt about whether an absence will be excused or unexcused, check in advance with the principal.


    It is the policy of the Miller County Board of Education to accept out of district students if they meet criteria. The administration will periodically evaluate out of district students to ensure students meet standards both academically and behaviorally.  Miller County School superintendent has the permission to rescind any out of district student for failure to maintain academic requirements, disciplinary policies and attendance. Students are placed on a probationary period at three unexcused days and notification given to parents at this time. If a student exceeds five unexcused days they are automatically withdrawn from the Miller County School System. The principal has the authority to require student to return to their service area school at any time failing to meet the out of district polices. No out of district student will be accepted if there are problems with discipline, attendance or any academic issues.


    Miller County School District

    Attendance protocol – Revised September 8, 2023


1-3 unexcused absences
School Level Interventions
Automated call system will notify parents/guardians of student’s absences.
Teachers Discuss with parents/guardians about their students attendance.
Monitor attendance.
5-6 unexcused absences
Referral to School Counselor.
Attendance letter sent. 
Additional interventions.
7 unexcused Absences Attendance Meeting held/Attendance contract. 
Review student’s prior attendance data.
10 or more unexcused Absences Referral to School Social Worker will be made if Attendance Contract is broken.
Referral to State/Juvenile Court
A warrant and or juvenile complaint will be issued for violation of the Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law.
 The parent will be notified by local law enforcement of the date and time to
appear in court.
 A student may be referred to court before reaching 10 unexcused absences if
there is a history of truancy or other circumstances that merit an earlier court referral. A referral
Handwritten excuses must submitted within 5 days of the student returning to school.
Each school will only accept 5 parent/guardian handwritten excuses per school year.
If there is a doubt about whether an absence will be excused or unexcused, check in advance with the